Have you been searching for a good webmaster program?  Extreme 2.0 has the best money making program on the web.  Utilizing our adult paysite Club Extreme , with our brand new affiliate program, you have a rock solid, unbeatable money making program designed to put money in your pocket.  Our adult paysite will turn your hard earned traffic into PURE CASH.  We are working in conjunction with CCBill, the most reputable payment processor on the web, to create our webmaster program.  Look what we have to offer!

50/50 Affiliate Partnership Program

EXTREME CASH is the most profitable affiliate partnership program on the Internet.  We offer a 50% revenue sharing program for the life of the membership.  This includes renewal sales!  In other words, when members renew their membership, you continue to keep 50% of the sales.  Don't get yourself caught up in programs that give you a flat fee for sign-ups only to never see those sign-ups to never come back into your pocketbook.  You always get a piece of the pie that your hard-earned traffic created.  Your traffic to Club Extreme turns to cash for the life of each membership.  What have you got to lose?  Except for more cash in your pocket!

A small but growing array of banners are yours to use in order to catch the eyes of potential customers.  Different styles from hardcore to softcore designed to specifically cater to your site.  Check out the banner link above or below and utilize the banner you deem appropriate for your site.  The array of banners will continue to grow as we grow together!

  • Your money will reach your pocket before they reach ours! Your payments are processed by the reputable third party processing company (CCBILL) with an immaculate, proven track record.  You will always receive your payments.  No ifs, ands, or buts.  ON Time! Twice a month!
  • YOUR CASH STATS, ANY TIME You will be able to monitor your conversions so you will know how much money you're making at any given time of the day or night.  Watch your sales skyrocket as you watch the conversion any time of the day!
  • UNBELIEVABLE CONVERSIONS Club Extreme pulls no punches in our content.  We have the hardest, exclusive content not available anywhere else on the Internet.  Because we are a production company, Extreme Associates, we have the ability and the desire to keep pumping the nastiest, vilest content anywhere.  Not the generic porn readily available at those generic porn sites, but EXCLUSIVE content loaded with filth.

100% Reliable.  100% Accurate. 100% On Time Payment. 
Club Extreme's Affiliate Partnership Program Pays ... And Pays ... And Pays!